Sunday, November 1

PET Progress

I have finally emerged from a cloud of nausea and very uncomfortable bone pain with the hopes of a fresh start for a new week. I'm not really sure where this week went but apparently it happened and I am one treatment closer to being half way done!

For some reason cycle three, or treatment five, chose to declare all out war on my body with debilitating nausea that had me back in the clinic on Wednesday for more fluids and IV medication as well as forcing me to make myself very familiar with my prescription bottles over the past few days. All in all, things are better now and I can't tell you how much I am hoping for an uneventful week off.

Sooooo - on Tuesday, B and I found out the results of my latest PET Scan which admittedly was a little bitter sweet. Apparently my naked-eye estimation of the tumor size was a little overzealous and it has likely only shrunk 25% which I was so disappointed about BUT the good news is that the two other tumors on my left side are gone.

S M.D. was pleased with the scans and said that everything looked good. Obviously I would like for the tumor to be smaller as I candidly expressed to him but he reassured me that the results showed that we were on the right path and more importantly I would not need to have another PET Scan until the end of my treatment. While it's not exactly the result I wanted, at the end of the day I am thankful that things are going the way they should and this ongoing chapter has an end in sight :)

Have a happy Sunday everyone!

Light the Night - In Pictures

Finally! Light the Night pictures are here!

The event went so well and I was so overwhelmed and excited with how many people participated either by walking or donating (or both)! Thank you so much to the State Street team who made it such a special night for me and a success for LLS.

In other news - I was the official winner of the top fundraising college/university team walker and the Alpha Delta Pi team was the official winner of the college challenge. I couldn't be more proud of how much money we raised for such a worthy cause.