Thursday, February 18

Change of Plans

It certainly has been an interesting week so far! As I mentioned in my last post I had my final Pet Scan on Tuesday, February 16.  I initially thought that my appointment was going to be in the morning but of course, the scheduling person in the clinic didn't REALLY reschedule my appointment like she said she did. So instead I had to starve myself all day. I must admit I have never craved sugar things as much!

Once I finally got there the scan went well: the IV team was able to put in my IV with little problems and minimal residual bruising and I thankfully didn't have to drink all of the nasty liquid or have the contrast.  I wish I can say that the results were as pleasing as the experience.

It seems as if my Hodgkin's is very very smart -- it figured out a way to resist the ABVD, grow and spread.  According to the radiologist and S M.D. it has spread to four lymph-nodes under my arm pits and into the bottom of the tumor at diaphragm level.

As you can imagine this is very disappointing. The updated plan of action is pretty intense and I'm still trying to get my head around it.  Yesterday I thought that I was going to be told that I was healed and that things were finally going to return to somewhat normal.  Instead, I have to prepare myself all over again for chemo, losing my hair all over again and experiencing a stem cell transplant.

Obviously, this is the shell-shock period - the time to adjust, absorb and seek second opinions. I plan on meeting with a few more doctors to see if the course of treatment is standard and really trying to gear myself up for the long road ahead of me.

More details are certainly to come. Please pray for my recovery and better health days ahead.

Love to you all.



  1. I know you can do it - YOU CAN AND WILL BEAT THIS!!!

    “Never, never, never give up.” - Winston Churchill

  2. LOVE YOU so much. I second what Cheryl said!
