Sunday, May 30

Just a Quick Hello

Right now is the first time in the past few days that I have been able to get my mind around anything besides sleeping and resisting the urge to throw up. I have officially made my home here at 6B at the Brigham as comfortable as possible - which isn't too hard to do since I have some super stellar nurses.

I have moved into a bigger room which has its pros and cons - pros: more room for M and B, cons: shower isn't as good and not as much light.

Last night was pretty dreadful, I had horrible nightmares, was in considerable muscular pain and couldn't shake the overwhelming desire to dry heave all over everything.

Today is finally a bit better, I have showered, which always makes me feel better and I have walked around the pod.  

In my last post I was bragging about being a stem cell machine - apparently I am not as powerful as one man on my floor - he harvested 20 MILLION!!!

Well I am losing attention quickly. I'll post again soon.


1 comment:

  1. a lighthearted question: is it some comfort that when you throw up you dont have to worry about finding someone to hold your hair back? i'd say that's an odd, but definite upside to this time in your life... wink wink

    sorry to hear about the dry heaving and pain. i hope it all passes quickly! much love to you
