Sunday, September 27

The day has finally come that I will have my Port-A-Cath placed in my chest.  While right now it sounds kind of dreadful, tomorrow's surgery will be a really good thing!

M and I will head over to Medical Short Stay tomorrow at 7 a.m. to check-in and have me prepped for what I am hoping is my last surgery.  

Over the past few weeks I have wished for this day to come so I can have this device placed because the past two treatments have KILLED my veins.  My left hand still hurts from where I had chemo two weeks ago! The Port-A-Cath is a device that will be placed under the skin that will facilitate the chemotherapy infusions.  Here is a little more information on the Port-A-Cath that I found online if you are interested in learning more.

I think the one downside to this is that I will have a small- to medium-sized scar on my chest which obviously is a concern for the far-off spring and summer dress season.  But hey, things can always be corrected, right? :)

I will keep you all posted with how I am feeling but this week will be relatively busy with surgery on Monday, Chemo on Tuesday and Neulasta shot on Wednesday. Hopefully I will be feeling spry enough to pay my dues at the 30% off Brooks Brothers sale or go see Fame with my mom.  I suppose only time will tell.




  1. My Mother had one of those way back in the 80s. It made things a lot more comfortable for her.

    good luck !

    (Moe O'Gorman SSC)

  2. Hope the surgery went well. Thinking of you and B.

  3. I'm hoping full advantage was taken at Brooks Brothers!

    Love you xoxo
