Monday, March 15

Five O'Clock Shadow

Today I sat, lathered, drank, read and repeated, and repeated (and repeated)... I'm sure you get the point.  The tides, sands, sun and slides in the Bahamas have almost made me forget my worries (a few more Miami Vices and I should be getting closer), but then tonight I looked in the mirror and what I saw looking back at me was not my semi-tanned, freckled reflection staring back at me - but a five o'clock shadow!

Said 5o'CS belongs on handsome Italian men's faces not on female cancer patient's eyebrows -- or rather where they used to be!

That's right ladies and gents, my once inconspicuous, beautifully platinum eyebrows seem to be growing back (yay!) a much darker, almost black color (boo!!).  Since my hair on my head hasn't prescribed to the cliche your-hair-grows-back-thicker-and-a-different-color mantra, I didn't think I was going to be subjected to its wrath.  Why, with my luck, did I ever believe that I would be exempt?

I guess all I have to look forward to now is losing my new darker brows to the friendly "chemotherapy induced alopecia" and looking like that battered and abused drunk college kid (see blog post "Thank Goodness for Blondes")

Well it's off for more aloe lathering and bed...



  1. hooray for the bahamas my love! i hope you are relaxing!

  2. at least they are growing back above your eyes and not on your upper lip. huzzah for small victories!
