Tuesday, March 9

Super Symptoms

Hey all-
I can't even begin to explain how obnoxious chemo is - considering the following: losing at least 12 inches of very thick hair, all of my pretty blonde eyebrows, my long long eyelashes, packing on 20+ pounds, losing all of my energy (but none of the sass) and not knowing if I will ever be able to be someone's biological mother you wouldn't think it could get worse.  Well as I have learned over the past few days - it can always get worse.

Recently I have been experiencing extreme foot numbness and bizarre skin problems.  About 6 weeks ago I noticed that when skiing my feet would go entirely to sleep.  I only wish I could say it was like the you've-crossed-your-legs-for-too-long kind of sleep but this was the kind of can't-feel-the-feet-at-all kind of sleep. Then the numbness progressed just from skiing to most forms of cardio.  Finally after many meetings they are attributing this lovely symptom to the Vinblastine (V of ABVD). Apparently this symptom is temporary and should dissipate with time.  Let me tell you, it couldn't be soon enough.

Then on top of my feet being asleep, I have this awesome condition that the dermatologist is chalking up to "sensitive skin" that makes my skin super hot, itchy and occasionally develop bumps.  Please, you really need to harness your jealousy right now.  Apparently my condition is so NOT serious that today's dermatologist brought in 4 students to show them what "fine" skin looked like.

Oh well, hopefully the Bahamas will bring some joy and the pina coladas will numb my body in an un-Vinblastine side effect kind of way :)



  1. Hope you get to relax! Have a bay breeze for me. Love you!

  2. I hope you have a superbly lovely time in the Bahamas!! Safe trip, will be thinking of you. I've heard pina coladas and conch fritters can work wonders... :)

  3. I think some time away in the warm sun is just what you need! Enjoy, rest, relax and take time for yourself. You're always in my thoughts. Have a safe trip! Hugs and kisses to you and B! xo
